After more than a month of cutting, picking, drying, pressing, pelletising and packaging, we’re pleased to report that we’ve successfully completed hop harvest, and the early results are looking good. We experienced the normal range of variation on forecast yield, which means we’ll be able to meet our contractual obligations across all varieties. At this stage, the oils and alphas also appear to be within the normal range for each variety, so you can expect the same great flavours that you know and love from crop 2020.

It’s been a challenge navigating the evolving sitation surrounding COVID-19. As is the case with most businesses, we introduced a range of new procedures to prioritise the health of our employees and ensure our farms remain virus-free and fully operational. We’ll continue to act in accordance with Government restrictions and recommendations intended to stop the spread of the virus and ‘flatten the curve’ to keep our employees, families and communities safe and healthy.
We know you’ve been flooded with information about COVID-19, so here’s a snapshot of the things you need to know about your hop supply as we continue to adapt to our current circumstances:
We’re in this together
Times of crisis really help put things into perspective, so we’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of of customers, distributors and supporters for their business. Your willingness to communicate openly and remain flexible throughout these tough times will help us meet your needs in a changing marketplace. We look forward to building this connection by overcoming these challenges together.
Rest assured hops are essential
As agriculture is deemed ‘essential business’, our farming operations have not been disrupted, our supply chain remains sound, and our warehouses are operating as per normal. We will continue to monitor the situation and its impact on local and international customers. Regardless of the situation surrounding COVID-19, it is company policy to notify customers when we foresee any potential delays.
It’s (almost) business as usual
We want to assure you that our labour requirements to complete pelletising and packaging this year’s crop will be met. We have strict hygiene measures in place, our teams and shifts will be completely separated from one another, and access has been restricted to essential employees only to ensure our farms remain virus-free and fully operational over this period.
The majority of employees based at our head office are now working remotely, and will continue to operate normal business hours. Access to the office has been restricted to essential employees only, with strict hygiene measures in place.
All domestic and international business travel for our employees has been suspended for the foreseeable future.
We’re always keen to catch up for a beer (online)
Our team are always up for a chat (and a beer) on Zoom or your platform of preference, so get in touch and we’ll set something up.
While nothing can quite replace the benefits of being face-to-face, we’re choosing to embrace our current reality. We want to use online collaboration and conference tools to stay connected so that we can support you through these challenging times as much as possible.
Though most of us are either homebound, cut off from normal work routines, or facing a very uncertain future, we will make it to the other side through equal measures of communication, collaboration and creativity.
Stay safe, healthy and connected.
Tim Lord
Managing Director