A true dual-purpose hop with stone fruit and fig characters and excellent bittering qualities. New World styles of ales and lagers where brash fruity character and big but well constructed bitterness is desired. Readily toned back to lighter styles, even with multiple kettle additions…..and great when used in a combination of very late and dry hopping.

Flavour profile

A true dual-purpose hop with stone fruit and fig characters and excellent bittering qualities


Rakau Brand 70-4-9 is a New Zealand triploid, purpose bred and selected % y for its unique dual purpose brewing qualities and characteristics. Rereleased from the NZ Hop breeding programme in 2007 for trials under organics and now widely established under conventional cultivation.

Recommended beer styles

Analytical data

Cultivation Area

New Zealand


Rakau Brand 70-4-9 is a New Zealand triploid, purpose bred and selected % y for its unique dual purpose brewing qualities and characteristics. Rereleased from the NZ Hop breeding programme in 2007 for trials under organics and now widely established under conventional cultivation.

Alpha Acids (%)

10.0 – 11.0%

Beta Acids (%)


Alpha/Beta Ratio

Cuhomulone (% of alpha acids)

Total Oils (ml/100g)

1.2 – 2.5ml/100g

Oil Concentration (microlitres of oil/g alpha)


Myrcene (% of whole oil)


Linalool (% of whole oil)

Caryophyllene (% of whole oil)


Farnesene (% of whole oil)


Humulene (% of whole oil)


Selinene (% of whole oil)

Humulene/Caryophllene Ratio
